Revision as of 13:36, 25 December 2018 by Susanna Ånäs (talk | contribs)
An infobox created from Wikidata, where the links link to pages inside Wikidocumentaries. The values can be edited in Wikidata.
- View/edit in Wikidata
- Expand window to reveal all data
- Property–value pairs from Wikidata.
- Generally, all values will be displayed, except when there is one preferred value. In that case only the preferred value is shown.
- Multiple values will be conflated to a list with a conjunction between the items, for example: A, B, and C (in English) and A, B ja C (in Finnish)
- Qualifiers should be displayed when available. There may be complex rules for displaying them…
- Link structure: domain/page/QID/title (optional)/language-code (optional)
- The link ALWAYS points to/creates a Wikidocumentaries page regardless of whether the title, description or article exist in the user's language
- EXISTING article link is shown normally
- MISSING article link can be styled differently, but the link remains the same.
- EXTERNAL Links with external identifiers will be constructed to point to external resources, and are styled differently.
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Ideas to develop
- Import datasets or view items from a database and import automatically or through verification.